Water Logged Expansion Tank
Earlier this month we noticed that a customer might have a water logged expansion tank. In the figure below you can see the pressure changing with the temperatures.
The expansion tank’s job is to keep the pressure steady as the temperature of the fluid changes. If a waterlogged expansion tank is not identified it can result in unsteady pressure leading to over pressure leakage or under pressure which results in loss of flow. If the pressure in your system increases you can have a breech in your system resulting in complete failure and water damage. Another common result is burning out your boiler pumps. To avoid costly repair bills and heat loss, you need to address this issue immediately.
How expansion tanks become waterlogged
There are a number of reasons why an expansion tank can get waterlogged. In older hot water heating boilers, expansion tanks did not have an internal bladder to separate the air and water. In this case, the air can get absorbed into the heating water. With an internal bladder expansion tank in more modern systems the waterlogging can come from a bladder rupture, or a pinhole leak.
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