Please fill out the form below to submit our credit application and agreement.
Customer certifies that the above information is correct and complete and further understands Remforce will rely on information presented by Customer, its references, and independent credit reporting services for the purpose of extending credit. Customer authorizes Remforce to—at any time, and from time to time—obtain verification and acceptability of current bank and credit references, and/or commercial credit reports on Customer. Remforce commits to hold such credit information—not related to Customer’s payment history with Remforce—in strictest confidence, as current internal policies dictate.
Customer agrees to pay all Remforce invoices within thirty days of the invoice date; which must be stated in Purchase Order
Remforce will contact Customer regarding unpaid invoices and reserves the right to add an additional 21%/year to an outstanding invoice if not paid within 60 days from the date of original invoice. The interest will be added to the original amount for every month following the original invoice purchase date. A final invoice will be re-calculated with the additional interest cost, and sent to the Customer. Thank you.
Remforce provides services exclusively to Customer, who is solely responsible for payment. Customer agrees that payment of any invoice(s) shall not be predicated upon Customer receiving payment and/or funding from a third party not specifically associated with this agreement.
Remforce shall make a good-faith effort to resolve payment disputes without third-party intervention. Should these good-faith efforts fail to resolve said payment disputes, Customer further agrees that if any of its unpaid invoices are placed with a collection agency or attorney for collection, Remforce shall be entitled to collect its collection agency fees, reasonable attorney fees, and/or court costs from Customer regardless of whether or not the matter is settled out-of-court or litigated.
THIS APPLICATION/AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BUSINESS ENTITY. Remforce reserves the right to require a personal guarantee. Thank you for your interest.